LED Codepad

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[Code] + #

Arm - Stay

[Code] + * 4 #

Arm - Away

[Code] + #

Clear alarm memory

[* 1 #]  or  [Shift 1 Enter]

Bypass a zone

[Code] + * 2 + [zone] + #

Reset smoke / fire

* 62 #

Audible Panic

7 + 9

(press and hold together for 2 sec)

Chime On/Off

* 5 #

Send Test signal

* 61 #

Maximum # of Users

6 Users

Maximum # of Zones

6 Zones

Maximum # of Partitions

1 Partition

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Converting Word Documents to eBooks: A Step-by-Step Guide with HelpNDoc